01|03|2021 Motivate Your High Performers to Share Their Knowledge ,Harvard Business School
Employee performance is more malleable and can be changed if you give people the right environment to gain knowledge about their jobs! meer...
01|03|2021 10 B2B Customer Experience Myths & How to Improve Your CX Maturity
Both B2C and B2B industries fall short in customer experience excellence.....meer...
01|03|2021 Putting Services in XAAS
Customers have spoken loud and clear. They want to subscribe to your solutions, and they want YOU to operate it. Are you ready to provide the solution they really want?meer...
01|02|2021 12 Greatest Challenges Virtual Teams Are Facing Now
What are the greatest challenges that virtual teams are facing now and how they can deal with them!meer...
01|02|2021 5 Steps for Improving Your Customer Service Process for 2021
A step-by-step guide on how to improve the customer service workflow. meer...
01|02|2021 Top Tips of How to Build Organizational Culture in Remote Teams
The concern that remote workforces would be less productive than in-person teams isn’t the case for 85% of businesses that confirmed productivity had increased in a recent study.meer...
04|01|2021 Gartner zet belangrijkste I&O-trends uiteen
Gartner adviseert infrastructuur- en operationele leiders (I&O-leiders) zich voor te bereiden op een zestal trends die komend jaar een belangrijke rol gaan spelen.meer...