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23|06|2019 Gartner Announces Rankings of the 2019 Supply Chain Top 15 for Europe

Inditex Takes Top Spot and Unilever Becomes the First Ever European Supply Chain Company to Join the “Masters” Categorymeer...

Categorie: Home, AFSMI-NL

20|06|2019 Richard van Hooijdonk:Om de planeet te redden, moeten bedrijven hun toeleveringsketens groener maken

Bioloog en documentairemaker David Attenborough zegt: We staan aan de vooravond van een door mensen veroorzaakte wereldrampmeer...

Categorie: Home, AFSMI-NL

29|05|2019 Why Every Business Leader Needs to Experience How a Customer Feels

The recent CustomerThink research study, “Customer Experience at a Crossroads: What Drives CX Success?”, reinforces the need for a deeper emotional connection strategymeer...

Categorie: Home

10|04|2019 Only 20 percent of support teams provide self service and other customer experience trends

New Zendesk Customer Experience Trends Report 2019, the main findings of the report, what’s driving the widening gap between what customers expect and what companies can deliver and what can companies do to close the gap.meer...

Categorie: Home, AFSMI-NL

09|04|2019 Measuring Call Centre Performance – 8 Metrics You Should Track

The call centre isn’t just about picking up the phone 24/7, it plays a pivotal role in supporting customers and managing their relationship with businesses. meer...

Categorie: Home, AFSMI-NL

06|03|2019 The 75 Customer Service Statistics You Need to Know in 2019 and Beyond

'Why Good Customer Service Matters'meer...

Categorie: Home, AFSMI-NL

05|02|2019 Harbor Research: "FUTURE PERFECT thematic trends 2019"

Open technologies will enable more fluid data sharing and interactions between and among systems, users, businesses and institutions. The opportunity lies in a new realm of services based upon the convergence of networked...meer...

Categorie: Home, AFSMI-NL