04|04|2020 What is "Anything As A Service"( XaaS ) Channel Optimization?
XaaS channel optimization is about the “as-a-service” subscription offerings which are sold through, sold with or sold to a partner in order to meet a customer’s technology solution business requirements. Ideally optimizing the...meer...
03|04|2020 Gartner:Growth Companies Are More Actively Collecting Customer Experience Data
Nearly 80% of growth organizations use customer surveys to collect CX data, compared with just 58% of nongrowth organizations!meer...
03|03|2020 IDC’s Top 10 Worldwide Services 2020 Predictions
These predictions are meant to help the enterprise with strategic planning within a typical five-year business planning cycle.meer...
02|03|2020 Using Net Recurring Revenue to Identify Customer Service Opportunities and Risks
Net Recurring Revenue is a comprehensive indicator that reveals the extent to which you are retaining, expanding and growing customer relationship value. meer...
03|02|2020 Harborresearch:EMERGING B2B PLATFORM MODELS
To date, most of the successful platform businesses are “consumer” or “user” focused. Fewer B2B markets have embraced this type of business model. We predict this will soon change. Freight logistics, genetic sequencing, order...meer...
03|02|2020 Gartner: meerderheid CX managers verhoogt budget voor customer experience
Het Gartner Customer Experience Management Survey 2019 rapport onthult dat meer dan tweederde van de CX-leiders budgetverhogingen verwacht in 2020meer...
05|01|2020 Gartner Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2020 - YouTube
Blockchain, AI security, distributed cloud, hyperautomation, multiexperience, human augmentation democratization, traceability and transparency, the empowered edge, and autonomous things drive disruption and create opportunities...meer...