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12|06|2018 3 Metrics to Help You Thrive in The Age of The Customer by Laura Patterson,CustomerThink

The Most Useful Customer Metrics for the Engagement Economymeer...

Categorie: AFSMI-NL

05|04|2018 New data: Does employee satisfaction drive customer satisfaction? Not really!

First, is there any evidence for what most people believe?meer...

Categorie: AFSMI-NL

05|04|2018 Harbor Research IoT Technology Trends To Watch in 2018


Categorie: Home, AFSMI-NL

03|03|2018 5 Innovative Use-Cases for Customer Service Transformation.

Customer experience (CX) innovation is no longer a luxury, with 89% of companies expecting to compete mostly through CX (Source: Gartner). Here are five examples of how you can innovate in customer service, and deliver winning...meer...

Categorie: Home, AFSMI-NL

01|03|2018 “Lies, damned lies, and statistics.” by René Degen

We spreken gemakkelijk over “de klant.” En we nemen zonder aarzeling namens hem of haar het woord. We overschatten daarbij vaak onze eigen beperkte kennis en menen ten onrechte recht van spreken te hebben meer...

Categorie: Home, AFSMI-NL

28|02|2018 Trendwatcher Richard van Hooijdonk: De ‘Fantastic Four’: 4 tech voorspellingen voor 2018

Smartphones worden nóg slimmer, Blockchain zien we binnenkort overal, KI wordt mainstream, Slimme elektrische auto’s gaan de huidige vervuilers steeds meer vervangen meer...

Categorie: Home, AFSMI-NL

12|02|2018 How Will Artificial Intelligence (AI) Impact Customer Experience?

AI it’s not just about cost savings. The number one priority for almost all contact centers is the customer experience and customer satisfaction. That’s where AI in the contact center once again steals the limelight.meer...

Categorie: Home, AFSMI-NL