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29|11|2017 Field Service Management Trends for 2018

Here are five field service management trends that are sure to dominate 2018meer...

Categorie: Home, AFSMI-NL

05|10|2017 World’s 3 MOST Customer-Centric Companies: How do they do ,by Vivek Jaiswal

Here are our top three picks for the most customer centric companies and some lessons on how they manage to be customer-centric despite their size and diversity.meer...

Categorie: AFSMI-NL, Home

29|09|2017 6 Things All Customer Centric Leaders Do,by Ian Golding

1.Talking to customers should be the highlight of any leader’s week – the ability to listen and learn; empathise and question; test new ideas and theories. Talking to customers should not be seen as a chore – or something that a...meer...

Categorie: AFSMI-NL, Home

19|09|2017 Promises, promises… by René Degen,Comparable

Een prikkelend artikel over de waarde van het klanttevredenheidsonderzoek....meer...

Categorie: AFSMI-NL

05|06|2017 Gartner Announces Rankings of the 2017 Supply Chain Top 25

Unilever topped the Supply Chain Top 25 ranking for the second consecutive year in 2017, followed by McDonald's, Inditex, Cisco and H&M (see Table 1). Two new companies made the Supply Chain Top 25, with Nokia rejoining after a...meer...

Categorie: Home, AFSMI-NL

02|05|2017 Neuroscience Confirms We Buy on Emotion & Justify with Logic & yet We Sell to Mr. Rational & Ignore Mr. Intuitive

Harvard Business School professor Gerald Zaltman says that 95% of our purchase decision making takes place subconsciously . Despite widespread agreement amongst neuroscientists that our conscious rational mind plays a minor role...meer...

Categorie: Home, AFSMI-NL

26|02|2017 Top-7 tech trends die bedrijven de komende jaren gaan opschudden

In Tech Trends 2017 identificeert Deloitte zeven belangrijke trends die bedrijfstechnologieën in de komende anderhalf tot twee jaar op zijn kop kunnen zetten en leiden tot exponentiële effecten. Dit zijn onder meer machine...meer...

Categorie: Home, AFSMI-NL