31|03|2024 How to Transform Your Outcomes-Based Contract From Burden to Benefit
How Outcomes-based contracts are created, the metrics by which outcomes are judged, and the means of gathering and analyzing data are continually evolving. meer...
30|03|2024 Gartner :The Future of Customer Service
5 Trends Will Transform Customer Servicemeer...
03|03|2024 Navigating AI Adoption: Challenges, Opportunities, and Strategies
Bridging the Governance Gap in the Age of AImeer...
02|03|2024 Transforming E-Commerce with Data: From Insights to Action for Superior Customer Journeys
Enhancing the Customer Journey through Data Personalization,including some cases studiesmeer...
01|03|2024 Your Ultimate Guide to Your Service Transformation
Build and maintain your pace in your service transformation.meer...
29|02|2024 ‘Augmented mentality’: zijn we klaar voor een AI-gestuurde upgrade van ons brein?
In de nabije toekomst zijn AI-assistenten betrokken bij alles dat we doen. Ze bemoeien zich met aankoopbeslissingen, sociale interacties en nog veel meer.meer...
28|02|2024 Augmented mentality: are we ready for AI to upgrade our minds?
In the near future, AI assistants are poised to become our constant companions, offering advice and insights on everything from shopping decisions to social interactions.meer...