Gartner Announces Rankings of the 2017 Supply Chain Top 25

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05|06|2017 15:51 Leeftijd: 8 yrs
Categorie: Home, AFSMI-NL

Gartner Announces Rankings of the 2017 Supply Chain Top 25

Unilever topped the Supply Chain Top 25 ranking for the second consecutive year in 2017, followed by McDonald's, Inditex, Cisco and H&M (see Table 1). Two new companies made the Supply Chain Top 25, with Nokia rejoining after a seven-year hiatus and Diageo making the list for the first time.

Three key trends stand out this year for the supply chain leaders that are accelerating their capabilities, separating them further from the rest of the pack.

Digitalization of Supply Chain

The past few years have seen a massive shift in companies creating digital connections within and across their supply chain operations. Leading companies view digitalization as an opportunity to not only provide agile support for existing products, but to reduce time to market for new ones. Some of the most disruptive and impactful technologies include solutions combining Internet of Things (IoT) sensors, cloud computing and advanced analytics. Lees verder