Gartner HR Research Finds High-Performers, Women, Millennials Are Greatest Flight Risks When Strict Return to Office Mandates Are Implemented

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02|02|2024 12:13 Leeftijd: 1 year
Categorie: Home, AFSMI-NL

Gartner HR Research Finds High-Performers, Women, Millennials Are Greatest Flight Risks When Strict Return to Office Mandates Are Implemented

Gartner survey :Among high-performing employees, their intent to stay was 16% lower with these rigid Return To Office (RTO)mandates

When organizations implement rigid return to office (RTO) mandates, high-performers, women and millennials are the most likely to quit their job, according to Gartner, Inc. A Gartner survey of 2,080 knowledge worker employees from May through June 2023 measured the impact of mandated requirements on employee outcomes

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